Tag Archives for Donald Trump

The Appeasement of Donald Trump

Tweet Independence Day. How ironic that on the day when Americans celebrate their rejection of the rule of the British king we may have elected with a massive majority a Labour government committed to submission to the would-be king of … Continue reading

04. July 2024 by rkh
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Please put Donald Trump on the ballot paper

Tweet No one can be neutral about Donald Trump. He is either a swine or a saviour. No British voter can ignore the consequences of his re-election in November. It makes almost every event in our election so far meaningless, … Continue reading

11. June 2024 by rkh
Categories: Politics, Uncategorized | Tags: , , | Comments Off on Please put Donald Trump on the ballot paper

The Ten Commandments (King Donald Revised Unauthorized Version)

Tweet 1. Thou shalt have no other gods before thyself 2. Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that … Continue reading

30. May 2024 by rkh
Categories: Politics | Tags: , , | Comments Off on The Ten Commandments (King Donald Revised Unauthorized Version)

Jailhouse Trump

Tweet Another song in honor of the chief Defendant of the United States It’s incoming day at the county jailTruck on the way with a loud white maleThinks he’s a big shot and the people’s choiceBut he’s just another loser … Continue reading

27. April 2024 by rkh
Categories: Politics | Tags: , , | Comments Off on Jailhouse Trump

A storming musical tribute to Donald Trump

Tweet Don’t know whyThey should find a case to tryFrom Stormy Daniels:Wish I’d had a jury full of spaniels:Couldn’t arrange to buy ‘em (Tum-tum-yah-ta-ti-tah)Off the panels. Using all my friends in the right channels.Not going down for crime (wah-wah)Not serving … Continue reading

16. April 2024 by rkh
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Degrading, Futile, Unnecessary: Labour’s Overtures To Donald Trump

Tweet unpublished unBowdlerised version David Lammy, the Shadow Foreign Secretary, is clearly proud of his efforts to build a relationship with Donald Trump. He will have been gratified by their coverage in The Spectator, which contrasted them favourably with David … Continue reading

05. March 2024 by rkh
Categories: Politics, Uncategorized | Tags: , , , , , | Comments Off on Degrading, Futile, Unnecessary: Labour’s Overtures To Donald Trump