Tag Archives for Nigel Farage

Please put Donald Trump on the ballot paper

Tweet No one can be neutral about Donald Trump. He is either a swine or a saviour. No British voter can ignore the consequences of his re-election in November. It makes almost every event in our election so far meaningless, … Continue reading

11. June 2024 by rkh
Categories: Politics, Uncategorized | Tags: , , | Comments Off on Please put Donald Trump on the ballot paper

YP Miliband Mustn’t Be Caught On The Hop Again By Mr Toad

Tweet published in the Yorkshire Post 28 May 2014 In 1983, after a calamitous campaign, Labour took a pounding from Margaret Thatcher. Labour’s defeat by UKIP in the European elections was worse – not only bitter but shameful. Margaret Thatcher … Continue reading

28. May 2014 by rkh
Categories: Journalism, Politics | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on YP Miliband Mustn’t Be Caught On The Hop Again By Mr Toad