Please put Donald Trump on the ballot paper

No one can be neutral about Donald Trump. He is either a swine or a saviour.

No British voter can ignore the consequences of his re-election in November. It makes almost every event in our election so far meaningless, especially the promises made by all the major parties. If Trump is a swine, they will be nugatory. They would not survive financial turmoil and the extinction of the United States not only as an ally and a protecting power but as a functioning democracy and civil society. But if Trump is a saviour and the instigator of a new Golden Age (perhaps even one ordained by God) all election promises so far are too modest.

Either way, for our country Trump is a very large elephant heading for a very small room.

His British admirers now have a party to vote for, the Reform Party acquired by Trump’s chief British cheerleader, Nigel Farage. They can ask for a government which flatters and imitates Donald Trump by voting for its candidates, although it would be interesting to know if all of them share the attitude to Trump of their unelected leader.

But what about those of us who loathe Trump and dread the consequences of his re-election? How do we signal our wish for a government that condemns his obnoxious words and actions (in our view, virtually unbroken since January 5, 2021) and resists him? Whom do we vote for? Asking on behalf of several million friends.

Please put Donald Trump on the ballot paper. Please ask all your local candidates what they think about him and how their party in government would deal with his re-election. Please give our election some clarity and meaning.

11. June 2024 by rkh
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