Category Archives for Uncategorized

Please put Donald Trump on the ballot paper

Tweet No one can be neutral about Donald Trump. He is either a swine or a saviour. No British voter can ignore the consequences of his re-election in November. It makes almost every event in our election so far meaningless, … Continue reading

11. June 2024 by rkh
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Degrading, Futile, Unnecessary: Labour’s Overtures To Donald Trump

Tweet unpublished unBowdlerised version David Lammy, the Shadow Foreign Secretary, is clearly proud of his efforts to build a relationship with Donald Trump. He will have been gratified by their coverage in The Spectator, which contrasted them favourably with David … Continue reading

05. March 2024 by rkh
Categories: Politics, Uncategorized | Tags: , , , , , | Comments Off on Degrading, Futile, Unnecessary: Labour’s Overtures To Donald Trump

The Quality Of Mercer Gets Quite Strained

Tweet Two new songs by Johnny Mercer and Harold Arlen Any Place I Feed My Cat Is Home (for Theo) Still a kittenThat’s his styleLife is playtimeMakes me smileStalks treats in theCarpet pileShreds paper into FoamAn’ any place I feed … Continue reading

30. November 2023 by rkh
Categories: Belles-Lettres, Uncategorized | Tags: , , , , , | Comments Off on The Quality Of Mercer Gets Quite Strained

Orange and lime bread

Tweet As served in Rubato Towers 175 ml fresh orange juice 50 ml fresh lime juice OR 225 ml of the two as readymixed by Messrs Tropicana and others 1 tablespoon orange zest 1 tablespoon lime zest 1 egg 15g … Continue reading

23. October 2017 by rkh
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Tweet Of all the gin joints in all the world… You would not expect Greta Sharp to walk into the Polo Lounge in the depressed American small town of Flattenburg. She’s the most ruthless operator in Wall Street and she’s … Continue reading

01. October 2013 by rkh
Categories: Uncategorized | Tags: , , , , | Comments Off on New novella YOUR VERY OWN RICKY RUBATO

YP Ed Miliband Must Junk The Past And Get In Front Of The Future

Tweet published in the Yorkshire Post 4 January 2013 Ed Miliband has had a good year. His party enjoys regular double-digit leads in opinion polls. He has handled some newsworthy issues better than David Cameron, especially the hacking scandals and … Continue reading

08. January 2013 by rkh
Categories: Journalism, Politics, Uncategorized | Tags: , , , , , | Comments Off on YP Ed Miliband Must Junk The Past And Get In Front Of The Future

Revised Bill to prohibit sale of supernatural interventiion

Tweet Sale Of Supernatural Or Spiritual Benefit (Prohibition) Bill 2012 Revised to make sure of catching the Mormons An act to prohibit the obtaining of anything of value in exchange for procuring or avoiding any form of supernatural intervention or … Continue reading

24. May 2012 by rkh
Categories: Journalism, Politics, Uncategorized | Tags: , , , , | Comments Off on Revised Bill to prohibit sale of supernatural interventiion

Why Ed Miliband needs a Eurozone policy of his own

Tweet published in 13 Dec 2011 With the help of a sulking Nick Clegg, Ed Miliband had a fine time in the House of Commons yesterday attacking David Cameron’s performance at the EU summit. He was fluent and confident … Continue reading

13. December 2011 by rkh
Categories: Uncategorized | Comments Off on Why Ed Miliband needs a Eurozone policy of his own