Tag Archives for Labour

I’m not voting for any party until it tells me what it thinks of Donald Trump

Tweet To the leaders of all major GB political parties (other than Reform) Dear Leader I write to ask you to clarify your attitude and that of your party to the re-election of Donald Trump. It is, I know, unusual … Continue reading

16. June 2024 by rkh
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WORLD EXCLUSIVE: 1983 Labour mystery man revealed

Tweet As Denis Healey’s chief of staff during Labour’s suicide-note election campaign of 1983, I attended many meetings of the party’s unwieldy campaign committee first thing in the morning. Chaired by Michael Foot, the committee spent much time debating such … Continue reading

27. April 2017 by rkh
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Gerald Kaufman 1930-2017

Tweet After two attempts in the 1950s Gerald Kaufman became a Labour MP in 1970. He has represented people in inner-city Manchester ever since. I suspect that he could retrieve the details of every constituency case he has handled, with … Continue reading

27. February 2017 by rkh
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YP Miliband Mustn’t Be Caught On The Hop Again By Mr Toad

Tweet published in the Yorkshire Post 28 May 2014 In 1983, after a calamitous campaign, Labour took a pounding from Margaret Thatcher. Labour’s defeat by UKIP in the European elections was worse – not only bitter but shameful. Margaret Thatcher … Continue reading

28. May 2014 by rkh
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New Year Advice to Ed Miliband: Own The Future

Tweet published in www.politics.co.uk and on Yahoo 3 Jan 2012 Dear Ed, You are probably sick of advice on how to lead the Labour Party. But it goes with the job and remember that most of it comes to you … Continue reading

03. January 2012 by rkh
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YP 30 Years Ago Denis Healey Saved The Labour Party For Tony Blair

Tweet Published in the Yorkshire Post 24 September, although actual anniversary was 28 September Thirty years ago I waited in Brighton Conference Centre for the result of the Labour Party’s Deputy Leadership election. The hall was overheated in every sense … Continue reading

27. September 2011 by rkh
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