Tag Archives for Plaid Cymru

I’m not voting for any party until it tells me what it thinks of Donald Trump

Tweet To the leaders of all major GB political parties (other than Reform) Dear Leader I write to ask you to clarify your attitude and that of your party to the re-election of Donald Trump. It is, I know, unusual … Continue reading

16. June 2024 by rkh
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Appeal to party leaders: don’t solicit religious votes

Tweet Letter sent to seven major party leaders in Great Britain 6 March 2015 I hope that you share my belief that religious politics are a scourge to any nation. For that reason, I am asking all the leaders of … Continue reading

07. March 2015 by rkh
Categories: Politics | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Appeal to party leaders: don’t solicit religious votes