Tag Archives for Blair

Simpering, Sidelined Harriet Harman

Tweet Published in Private Eye 1439 The otherwise excellent treatment in Literary Review (Eye 1438) of Harriet Harman’s simpering memoirs failed to mention their most astonishing allegation. She claims that as Solicitor-General during the run-up to the Iraq war she … Continue reading

08. March 2017 by rkh
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Blair should face manslaughter charges over Iraq

Tweet unpublished letter to Daily Telegraph Three servicemen face prosecutions for manslaughter over highly-disputed allegations against their conduct during the aftermath of the Iraq war. No penalty of any kind has been imposed on the people who sent them into … Continue reading

21. September 2016 by rkh
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Tony Blair was the Basil Fawlty of British politics

Tweet Letter published in Sunday Times September 20, 2015 It was gracious of Peter Mandelson to admit that New Labour bears some responsibility for Jeremy Corbyn’s victory. [His article September 13, “I’m partly to blame for this mess but let’s … Continue reading

21. September 2015 by rkh
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Evening Standard Letter on Blair and Iraq 19 June 2014

Tweet If Tony Blair really cared about Iraq he would realize that he personally is an obstacle to public acceptance of the policies he recommends now. He will remain so until he is willing to acknowledge error and failure in … Continue reading

20. June 2014 by rkh
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Politicians and their money 3: Blair has sold himself to a foreign power

Tweet published in www.politics.co.uk 13 November 2011 It could become a pub quiz question: who was the first British Prime Minister to sell himself to a foreign power?   But it might be too easy to guess the answer – … Continue reading

15. November 2011 by rkh
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YP 30 Years Ago Denis Healey Saved The Labour Party For Tony Blair

Tweet Published in the Yorkshire Post 24 September, although actual anniversary was 28 September Thirty years ago I waited in Brighton Conference Centre for the result of the Labour Party’s Deputy Leadership election. The hall was overheated in every sense … Continue reading

27. September 2011 by rkh
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YP Boycott Blair

Tweet This plea for a boycott of Tony Blair’s forthcoming memoirs was published in the Yorkshire Post on 1 June 2010 All great enterprises have to start somewhere, and where better than Yorkshire to launch a global boycott of Tony … Continue reading

28. August 2011 by rkh
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The dark secret of Tony Blair

Tweet     Ivan Ansa is the pseudonym of the author who infiltrated the longest and darkest conspiracy in British history. Here is an extract from his sensational book The Worse The Better  to be published by Hottotrot Books on … Continue reading

28. August 2011 by rkh
Categories: Belles-Lettres, Politics | Tags: , , | Comments Off on The dark secret of Tony Blair