Jailhouse Trump

Another song in honor of the chief Defendant of the United States
It’s incoming day at the county jail
Truck on the way with a loud white male
Thinks he’s a big shot and the people’s choice
But he’s just another loser who loves his voice
Let’s lock
Lock up Donald Trump
Watch his ratings and his money slump
When we finally lock up Donald Trump.
He’s been burning through what’s left of his cash
On top-dollar lawyers talking all kinds of trash
They’re spouting out stuff full of sound and fury
But can’t sell a cent to the judge and the jury.
Let’s lock
Lock up Donald Trump
His ego takes a mighty dump
When he goes down in One No Trump.
He takes himself down to the Supreme Court
Wants them to buy a really crazy thought
A President’s power has no end:
“Hey, I’m only asking for a friend.”
Let’s lock
Lock up Donald Trump
In solitary let him stump
When we finally lock up Donald Trump.
Now this is a man that no one can trust
And every deal he offers is a surefire bust
He’ll rip people off for the very last time
When a judge sends him down for committing a crime.
Let’s lock
Lock up Donald Trump
Shut down his lying pump
When we finally lock up Donald Trump.
Music by Mike Stoller Original words by Jerry Leiber