Category Archives for Politics

A blot on Parliament: the slack rules on peers and public affairs consultancies

Tweet The House of Lords rightly expects peers to register and declare any outside interest which a reasonable person might think capable of exercising an influence on their conduct in the House. Beneath this general obligation, the House wishes peers … Continue reading

26. September 2018 by rkh
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An example to today’s business leaders who trade with Putin

Tweet  A British business leader boycotts Hitler   From The Earl of Woolton’s Memoirs (Cassell 1959)   “In 1938 the world was shocked by the relentless persecution of the Jews in Germany. Many were escaping to this country and to … Continue reading

30. May 2018 by rkh
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In Praise of Cecil Parkinson 1997

Tweet Former Tory chairman Cecil Parkinson gave the best performance I can remember by a politician responding to results on election night coverage. Cecil was on duty for the Tories in 1997. He did not make the mistake which many … Continue reading

08. June 2017 by rkh
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WORLD EXCLUSIVE: 1983 Labour mystery man revealed

Tweet As Denis Healey’s chief of staff during Labour’s suicide-note election campaign of 1983, I attended many meetings of the party’s unwieldy campaign committee first thing in the morning. Chaired by Michael Foot, the committee spent much time debating such … Continue reading

27. April 2017 by rkh
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Dear Mrs May: why are you shielding Tony Blair?

Tweet Letters to the Prime Minister and the Attorney General about the government’s decision to shield Tony Blair from a private prosecution for his conduct over Iraq   Rt Hon Theresa May MP Prime Minister 10 Downing Street Dear Prime … Continue reading

23. April 2017 by rkh
Categories: Politics | Tags: | Comments Off on Dear Mrs May: why are you shielding Tony Blair?

Harry Truman’s Biggest Mistake

Tweet On this day (April 12) in 1945 Harry Truman became President of the United States, on the death of Franklin Roosevelt. He won a famous re-election victory in 1948 to serve another term in his own right. Years later … Continue reading

12. April 2017 by rkh
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Simpering, Sidelined Harriet Harman

Tweet Published in Private Eye 1439 The otherwise excellent treatment in Literary Review (Eye 1438) of Harriet Harman’s simpering memoirs failed to mention their most astonishing allegation. She claims that as Solicitor-General during the run-up to the Iraq war she … Continue reading

08. March 2017 by rkh
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Gerald Kaufman 1930-2017

Tweet After two attempts in the 1950s Gerald Kaufman became a Labour MP in 1970. He has represented people in inner-city Manchester ever since. I suspect that he could retrieve the details of every constituency case he has handled, with … Continue reading

27. February 2017 by rkh
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Blair should face manslaughter charges over Iraq

Tweet unpublished letter to Daily Telegraph Three servicemen face prosecutions for manslaughter over highly-disputed allegations against their conduct during the aftermath of the Iraq war. No penalty of any kind has been imposed on the people who sent them into … Continue reading

21. September 2016 by rkh
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Don’t appease Putin (Letter published Evening Standard August 18, 2016)

Tweet In praising the Prime Minister today (August 16th) for her attempt to improve relations with Putin’s Russia, Sir Christopher Meyer gave a long list of issues where he evidently expects no concession on Putin’s side: aggression in the Crimea … Continue reading

19. August 2016 by rkh
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