Category: politics

The Appeasement of Donald Trump

Independence Day. How ironic that on the day when Americans celebrate their rejection of the rule of the British king we may have elected with a massive majority a Labour government committed to submission to the would-be king of America. Since February there have been many more stories in the media of Labour attempts to […]

Categories: politics

The Ten Commandments (King Donald Revised Unauthorized Version)

1. Thou shalt have no other gods before thyself 2. Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth except of thyself. 3. Thou shalt not take the […]

Categories: politics

Jailhouse Trump

Another song in honor of the chief Defendant of the United States It’s incoming day at the county jailTruck on the way with a loud white maleThinks he’s a big shot and the people’s choiceBut he’s just another loser who loves his voiceLet’s lockLock up Donald TrumpWatch his ratings and his money slumpWhen we finally […]

Categories: politics

A storming musical tribute to Donald Trump

Don’t know whyThey should find a case to tryFrom Stormy Daniels:Now I need a jury full of spaniels. Who knows where I can buy ‘em? (Tum-tum-yah-ta-ti-tah)If they look smartI’ll have to knock the jurorsOff the panels. Using all my friends in the right channels.Not going down for crime (wah-wah)Not serving any time. I paid her […]

Categories: politics

Degrading, Futile, Unnecessary: Labour’s Overtures To Donald Trump

unpublished unBowdlerised version David Lammy, the Shadow Foreign Secretary, is clearly proud of his efforts to build a relationship with Donald Trump. He will have been gratified by their coverage in The Spectator, which contrasted them favourably with David Cameron’s attacks on Trump. In The Sunday Times a few weeks ago he sneered at opponents […]

Categories: politics

When Petie Met Jeffy: Starmer’s First Big Mistake

   STARMER GRILLS MANDELSON… Peer “shaken and ashen” after three-hour quiz on Epstein links… The event to fit these sensational headlines has not yet occurred. After the Financial Times revealed that these links were longer and deeper than previously reported, and included his entire period as our de facto Deputy Prime Minister, a Starmer spokesman […]

Categories: politics

Sunak Time

Sunak Time (a long way after the Gershwins and the Heywards). Lento e austeramente con molto rubouto Sunak time And the living ain’t easy Prices jumping And the cost is way high. If you ain’t super rich And your taxman ain’t lookin’, Then go ahead, baby, You might as well cry. One of these mornin’s […]

Categories: politics

Keir Starmer, Norma Desmond and the Sinister Butler

extended version of piece published in Comment Central 30 May 2022 For years Tony Blair has been the Norma Desmond of British politics, a forgotten star living in dreams of the past. Before the local elections Keir Starmer handed him not only a close-up but a comeback movie. One can understand his motives, however much […]

Categories: politics

Save English Cricket From The ECB

An appeal and a promise to the Minister of Sport Nigel Huddleston Esq MPMinister for Sport Dear Minister, By all reports the England and Wales Cricket Board is about to make a decision with terrible and irreversible consequences for English cricket. This is part of a misguided strategy based on false premises, selective information and […]

Categories: politics

Goodbye to the Western world. We’ll all be sorry when it disappears

published In Comment Central February 8, 2022 – before the Ukrainian resistance astonished Putin and the world I have just lost a night’s sleep thinking about the threats to Ukraine and Taiwan and the choice that each may impose on the Western world between surrender and war. I cannot remember losing any sleep over the […]

Categories: politics

Ukraine’s National Anthem: Shche Ne Vmerla Ukrainy

This was the English translation I found for the words by Pavlo Chubynskyi The glory and freedom of Ukraine has not yet perishedLuck will still smile on us brother-Ukrainians.Our enemies will die, as the dew does in the sunshine,and we, too, brothers, we’ll live happily in our land.We’ll not spare either our souls or bodies […]

Categories: politics

Vamp Against Vlad

A global musical protest against Putin In the Vamp Against Vlad, people all over the world at a given moment would play, sing, or chant one chosen minor chord – against Putin. It would not need any words. G Minor should be in most people’s range. They could play it together (the biggest loudest chord […]

Categories: politics

And A Happy New Year To You Too, Enver Hoxha

At this time, I always like to relay Enver Hoxha’s encouraging words to the Albanian people on New Year’s Day 1967 (as rendered by the English service of Radio Tirana). “This year will be harder than last year. However, it will be easier than next year.” Jeremy Corbyn tried to tell this as a sparkling […]

Categories: politics

Afghan cricket and the Taliban

Extract from letter to Nigel Adams MP, Foreign Office Minister of State with responsibility for Afghanistan and British “soft power”. And cricket-lover. I am writing to urge you to take an interest in the future of Afghan cricket and cricketers if and when the Taliban reassume control of the country. One might be optimistic about […]

Categories: politics


Peter Mandelson planned Labour’s masterly election campaign of 2010. Here is an excerpt from a long email to party supporters explaining its central message. (My comments as recipient at the time). ‘In all this we should remember the power of a clear, consistent, disciplined message from being on your side, whose side? standing up for […]

Categories: politics

An Alternative Inauguration Speech

The speech I offered Joe Biden. “My fellow Americans. I am now your President. I thank all those who voted for me or against me. I thank the officials and volunteers who in conditions of unprecedented difficulty gave them the means to do so. They are truly the army of American democracy. They allowed us […]

Categories: politics

Dump Trump

More free materials for this purpose. Any anti-Trumpers may use as they wish without attribution. Apologies for any repeats, but if they were good before they’re still good now. Some simple narratives for Biden-HarrisTrump is not fit to be your President and represent you. I will never make you ashamed of your President. Trump is […]

Categories: politics

Campaign themes (and jokes) against Trump

These suggestions are a free resource for the Democratic party and anyone campaigning against the re-election of Donald Trump. Virus The world environment and economy have become a breeding ground for new viruses. It is highly likely that something worse than Covid will hit the world and the United States in the next four years. […]

Categories: politics

A Trump Second Term: should we accept catastrophe in silence?

Unpublished letter to The Spectator in reply to Sir Christopher Meyer Based on his experience of the 2000 election Sir Christopher Meyer recommends a policy of diplomatic silence to Boris Johnson if, as is now all too likely, the current Presidential election ends in chaos and recrimination. In 2000, the incumbent President, Bill Clinton, was serving out […]

Categories: politics

The Dirge And Downfall Of Donald Trump

The Virus does not know or care whether people are protesting in a good cause: it is dangerous and anti-social to hold any kind of mass demonstration in these times. Indeed, if the Virus has any political agenda it is as a reactionary and a racist, since it is more likely to kill poor people […]

Categories: politics

Protesting Against A Trump Stolen Election: NO TAXATION WITHOUT REPRESENTATION

How many people remember Seven Days In May? A best-selling political thriller of the early 60s, it was made into a movie. A liberal President (Frederic March) makes an arms treaty with Soviet Union. A popular charismatic patriotic general, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (Burt Lancaster) is fiercely opposed. He forms a military […]

Categories: politics

Zingers Against Boris Johnson

Belittling Boris: A Users Guide   by Richard Heller I have appointed myself Insulter-General against Boris Johnson. I offer this personal list of zingers to anyone, anywhere seeking to belittle him. Most carry a core message:  Boris Johnson has the lowest personal standards of any Prime Minister. He does not understand – let alone, respect – […]

Categories: politics

Every election speech

Candidate 1 (Mr Aardvark): In all my time in politics, My friends will all agree I never dodge the issue I say just what I see. That’s why I tell you firmly (It’s what I’ve always said) The past is now behind us The future lies ahead. All together: Politics, quick fix, old dogs new […]

Categories: politics

The Terrible Message of Boris Johnson

shorter version published in July 22, 2019 The advent of Boris Johnson to 10 Downing Street sends a terrible message to younger politicians of all parties. Why bother to be truthful, competent, diligent, or set an upstanding example in public or private life? None of these things are now part of the job specification […]

Categories: politics